Welcome to the Evangelical Church of South Africa!

Our Pillars

We are

Missions Driven

Our Pillars

We are

Discipleship Driven

Our Pillars

We are

Mentorship Driven

Our Pillars

We are

Ministry Driven

Our Pillars

We are

Word Based



ECSA is a community of evangelical believers in Jesus Christ, who hold to the inerrancy and final authority of the Bible. We stand for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the teaching of the Bible, and the involvement of every believer in the holistic ministry to the world


The ECSA is committed to influencing the Church and the Nations to become mature followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The mission of the ECSA is to glorify God by communicating the Gospel to the unevangelised, discipling believers into locally organised churches and equipping the Church to care for the needy in the world.

Upcoming Events for this Year

Core Values

As a community of Evangelical believers we are committed to:


To support the public worship of God, in the Person of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


To support the public worship of an almighty God, in the Person of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


To defend “the Faith once delivered”, and to discourage false doctrine by the propagation of the “Truth of God” as set forth in the Holy Scriptures and in the STATEMENT OF FAITH, and maintain Christian standards of conduct in accordance with the word of God.


To encourage and enroll saved persons for church membership, and to edify Christians through the teaching of the Holy Scriptures.

The ECSA is committed to influencing the Church and the Nations to become mature followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We are a Word based church

The Bible occupies central place in our denomination. The ECSA is a ‘Biblical’ church. We read and preach from the scriptures every week in our services.

Article 3: 3.1

“We believe in the verbal plenary, inerrant, infallible inspiration and absolute and final authority of the Holy Scriptures, as originally given. II Peter 1:21, Timothy 3:16.”

Scripture and Scripture alone is the standard by which all teachings and doctrines of the church must be measured.

We are an Evangelical church

What makes us Evangelical?

  • The absolute supremacy we assign to Holy Scripture

  • The depth and prominence we assign to the doctrine of human sinfulness and corruption

  • The paramount importance we attach to the work and office of our Lord Jesus Christ and the nature of the salvation He has wrought for mankind

  • The high place which we assign to the inward work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of man

  • The importance we place on the outward and visible work of the Holy Spirit manifested itself in the life, conduct and behaviour of the believer in overcoming the world, the flesh and the devil i.e. the evidence of godliness and holiness.

We are a Protestant church.

ECSA upholds the right of every believer to read and understand the Bible for their

salvation, as opposed to salvation truth being mediated by the church. We

believe in the priesthood of all believers.

We are a church that subscribes to the

5 points of the Reformation

These five points of doctrine were at the heart of the Reformation:

By Grace alone, By Faith alone, By Christ alone, By Scripture alone and to the Glory of God alone.

We are an Autonomous Denomination

The Evangelical Church in South Africa (ECSA) is free of interference by the state or any other entity, save to be obligated with regards to civil duty. Each church in the ECSA is autonomous in its daily operations but it is subject to the Constitution and Policies and Procedures of the ECSA.